Keeping your eyes on the prize

Did you set any goals for 2017?  Did you write them down so you can pull them out, read them, and give yourself a little nudge to keep going?

Well, I did.  And I keep a hard copy of those goals folded up in my wallet, where I'm reminded of them each time I pull out my credit card, which is... well.... almost daily haha!

dog chasing tennis ball on beach

One of my personal goals this year is to enter print competition.  International Print Competition (IPC) is like the Super Bowl of the professional photography world.  There are also district and local competitions, which are equivalent to football's regular season.  If I had been smart, I would have entered these local competitions first to dip my toes in and practice... but alas, I'm jumping all in and going straight to the "big game."

The nice thing about print competition is you are really competing against yourself and how well you master the elements of a technically excellent photograph.  Regardless of how I score this year, I have already learned so much for which I am grateful.

So.... wish me luck!  Judging happens during the first week of August, and I'll be sure to give you an update with my submitted images and results.

How are you doing with your goals this year?