A Texas tradition: bluebonnet photos aren't just for people!

My bluebonnet sessions almost didn't happen this year. 

My husband and I had a trip planned to Paris during the exact 2-week period when the bluebonnets typically peak in Houston, and I wasn't sure if the timing would work.  And for those of you with dogs and/or kids, you know how hectic it can be preparing for a big trip and making sure your babies are taken care of!

Luckily, Mother Nature cooperated with my travel schedule.

At the last minute, I opened an evening of sessions - it not only sold out, but I ended up opening up a second evening.  One sweet dog mom said she'd been stalking me on social media for the last year hoping to snag a bluebonnet session!

Thankful to keep this Texas tradition going (third year in a row!)

Without further ado, the sweet and spunky pups who joined me in the bluebonnets this year:

Sierra and Rocky

Sierra and Rocky







bluebonnet photo sessions for dogs by megan murray photography

And there's always one cheeseball in the group:

havanese dog smiling with texas bluebonnets and indian paintbrush

Do you enjoy bluebonnet pictures as much as I do?  See more sessions from 2017 and 2016.